Stars and Scars Gives 'Years in Waiting' a Rave Review

Becton Simpson of Stars and Scars wrote an incredibly kind review of our EP, Years in Waiting.

To him, "Sharpshooter" was a stand-out track, describing the song's single potential:

“Sharpshooter” has probably the catchiest hook/chorus of the four tracks, with it’s “enough is enough” lyric and a melodic guitar riff that helps mark the peaks and troughs, giving depth and different layers to the song as it breaks down then builds back up again. It’s single material and has the most commercial potential out of all the songs.

After listening to the album, Becton concluded that our band had great potential:

I can definitely imagine With Sails Ahead on the front cover of Kerrang! some day, and it would be great to see them making a splash in the next couple of years. They certainly have enough excitement in their music and creative ability and potential to be able to stand with other female-fronted greats like the Marmozets, Halestorm and Milk Teeth.

Read what Becton had to say about additional tracks in the full album review on Stars and Scars here